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Meldinger - runedk

Hello timescape and Elmo

I dont think i will try the enginge cleaning before there is a reason to change the coal which was just done.

About the Teleindkodning i did a normal charge to 100% then did a Teleindkodning at 14A wich put me down to 80% batterie level i then did a Initial-charge for 5 min and now iam doing a equalization-charge because the app automatic chooses this after a Initial-charge, i will do this charge to the 100% maybe this will make my car show the real batterie level again?

Can some one please explain the the 3 special charge modes to me? i dont get when iam supposed to use them.
OK so now i had some time playing arround with the car.
I cant get the Lexia program to change charge state (i tried clean install) so i had to order an OBD 2 (Vgate iCar Pro) device for my android phone and use "Checkelec". And i must say the app i working great, now it just need reading and deleting fault codes then i dont have to use the Lexia.

I found out that my permanent error about isolation, maybe is caused by rainy weather, i only get the error when its raining, wierd!

About the Teleindkodning i tried changing this a couple of times followed by 5 min of  Initial-charge, The Speeder went back to normal but the batteries shows way more "juice" than they actually have, now i get a 20% warning light at 45%.
Iam now trying to do a full normal charge then make a Teleindkodning to 14A and see if this solves it.

timescape iam from Brovst near Aalborg Nordjylland.
Hello timescape

Winlex is a part of the Lexia program.
The thing is the program closes at the end i dont get an accepted screen, thats why iam in doubt.
I will try and reinstall the program and see what happens. Or else i could try the app with another OBD2 Device.

Puha jeg syntes det er svært med en ældre el-bil syntes jeg hænger i forummet konstant :D, men den er sq sjov og køre i så har ikke tænkt mig at give op forløbelig :)

When i try doing a Initial-charge i get an Winlex error, do anybody know whats this means?
I dont know if the car is doing a Initial-charge or not is there a way to tell?

I may not have noticed this error before (its hiding in the background), maybe thats why i got water overflow because the car wasn't in propper charge mode :-\ before the water filling.

I use a lot there are also some danish manuals, timescape is right it is Gold!!!
Hello Elmo

I got the error to go away, Parameter version - Wrong Parameter version. By changing the "Teleindkodning", but iam i doubt is this car to be set at 14A 13A or 12A. i set it at 14A and now i got 20% more batteri than before and the speeder is different, now i have to put it way down before anything happens.

I also get a new error a permanet error insulation. "Permanet fejl isolering" any idea whats this might be?

I think you might be right about the Balance-charge and Normal-charge. I got the Lexia to "Cancel charge" i guess thats how you put it back in Normal-charge mode.
Hello Elmo and timescape

Is the top-front batterybox (4'er kassen) the one located under the hood?

Also i try loading the parameters but i dont know how? i get "Parameter version - Wrong Parameter version" when i do an identification scan any fix or guide would be nice :)

I did my maintaince charge and water filling i took nearly 30 liters. But when i charged it normally again after, there was coming water from the overflow under the car guess thats normal or??

A little side question, my radio is locked (1021 audio system) i got the code but i think is locked for good "someone entered the code wrong too many times". is there an easy way to unlock this?

Ok so i had trouble charging again, i tried small reset "i have tried this meny times before", but yet again no luck i tried removing all the fuses no luck there. I then connecked the lexia and red out the faultcodes i got "Error chargers heatfuse" Fejl opladerens varmesikring" I removed the error and i can now charge again. Any fix for this? would be nice if i could charge without the lexia.

Elmo: How do i load paramters i dont see that option?

Timescape: Iam from Denmark, i visit Norway once every year at easter. :)
Hello Elmo

I get the fault when iam reading the faultcodes. The program is a "hack" so maybe that's why.

The electrical fault lamp is still lid even if i try clearing the fault. It comes back when i start the engine. So there must be something triggering the electrical fault lamp, or is there something special i should do before i can get rid of the lid electrical fault lamp?

I will try dryving the car for some days and see if i get new faultcodes.
Hello i now got my Lexia and its working great. I get this error from reading the faultcodes Error parameters electronic box(Fejl Parametre elektronikboks) do any one know where i can get some more info on this fault?

also i checked the lid over the mains plug and it is working fine :)

I got the car to charge again by removing all 4 of the traction-battery fuses, i will try to make a maintaince charge tommorow using the Lexia.
Ok so the OBDII device didn't work with the App so i ordret this lexia. Hopefully with the right software....

I got the berlingo to charge i found a broken fuse F3 for the Vacuum pump when i change it, i could charge. But when its was time to charge again it would not charge and the fuse was still good. Either is the lid like timescape wrote or is has something to do with cooling.

When its was charging og could clearly hear the colling running and water was flowing through the system.

I hope the lexia would give med some answers.
Hello Elmo

I am waiting for the OBDII device to arrive, lets hope it works. My Berlingo has a 16pin OBD-II connection

Iam opening the PSA Box to check the fuse and what not. The clicks come from there so something is triggering it.

I have a Texa TXTS Diagnostic Tool, do you know if there is some software to make it read my Berlingo?
I can find other Electrique cars (309 - Saxo - partner) but non of them lets me read faultcodes.

If anythings fails my next move will be ordering the Lexia3.
Hello Elmo

Thanks for the reply will any ODB2 device fit in the car. Maybe this one?

The Electical fault warning light is lit, but i had charged while is was lit before. Iam thinking the error can be read by the OBD2 device?

Also my charger cable looks like it can be convertet to a red CEE so maybe i should try this? or does this enable the rapid charge and breake it even more?

I bought a Citroën berlingo electrique 1998. i drives well but now it can't charge, and i fear the worst. when i plug it in i hear 2 clicks one from the black fusebox and one from the engine, and then nothing happens. Does anybody know what causes this and how to fix it?
i tried checking and charging the 12v batterie but nothing to find wrong there. Altso the electrical fault lamp is lighting up.

Also i dont think the batteries have been tapped up with water for a long time. Now I've read that this should only being done after a maintenance charge. Is this true can't i just charge it fully and then fill water in? i dont own a device to set the car in maintenance charge mode.
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