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Meldinger - jamcl3

I have the same problem with the A pillar cover in North Carolina.

When Think North America came through last year to upgrade the heater, they had a new "hot glue" from 3M (Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing) that worked well on some other A pillar covers.

I don't have that 3M "hot glue", so I was going to try 2-part epoxy from my local auto parts store.
There are two other dealers selling the Think City EV in the US.

We bought our second Think from this dealer in Chicago Illinois.  He has the best prices but he can be slow with the paperwork.


This one is west of Baltimore Maryland, and is selling for about the same price as the California dealer in the article.  Still a very good price.

Service from Think North America has been excellent.  I needed a PCU replacement and they took care of it promptly. 

Jim McL
North Carolina
Hej, Electrolux

OK, I will ask here to purchase a single cell and installation instructions.  I will tell them you received no response from EnerDel in Europe.

I am sorry it took me so long to check back with this forum.  But I can report that my PCU replacement was successful and it has superior power curves compared to my Think from one year ago.  So we are quite happy in spite of the problems.  Now I have two colleagues who have also purchased a Think.

Unfortunately the Think personel are very busy in the US right now.  Some of the discounted Thinks were sold with loose cables on the 12 volt battery and this has caused many problems.  But I will try to get an answer within a week.

Jim McL
Hello Electrolux

I saw your tear down of the battery pack over on the wiki.  It sounds as though you have not been able to obtain a replacement cell yet?

I am preparing to replace my PCU here in North Carolina with assistance from Think North America.  I was curious about your problem, so I asked Patrick Bouchard who is my contact at Think headquarters in Michigan.

Patrick assured my that it should be possible to get replacement cells, and that parts are available in Europe.  Apparently the initial cell balance must be performed manually, the BMS can only maintain cell balance within a narrow range.

It can be understood that EnerDel would not want the average home mechanic to work on a 400 volt pack.  But it is clear that you are obviously well qualified, so EnerDel might be persuaded to assist you in performing the repair at your shop.  Patrick told me that he would ask the EnerDel people here, since he expected to be speaking with them soon.  I am not clear if you already have contacts with EnerDel in Europe?

I had some difficulty even convincing Think North America to sell me our first City EV last year, since I live far away from any authorized service.  But I managed to convince them of my qualifications (I am an electrical engineer, working in the automotive industry, with 23,000 miles of experience driving the troublesome Mini E from BMW) and they finally agreed to sell me a Think one year ago.  Now we purchased a second Think for my wife, and the PCU died after 30 km.  But they are assisting me to replace it myself.  The only tricky part is reprogramming the PCU to recognize the key fobs, they are loaning me a diagnostic interface for that.

Please let me know if I can assist.  Perhaps I will not succeed but I can try.

Jim McL

I would like to purchase your charger for the Think.  We just received our new Think City EV in North Carolina, USA.  Your 220 volt charger is more convenient than ours.  I understand I will need to change the connectors, that is no problem.

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