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Meldinger - Jeronan

Tesla / Sv: Krise?
onsdag 01. november 2017, klokken 22:05
Tesla, which now also includes Solar City, has been and still is doing massive investments.
So 600+ mil in minus is nothing to worry about at this moment.

The Giga factory is still not fully operational, so lot of investment still goes in there. That is one of the actual bottlenecks of the Model 3 production.
Batteries are currently not produced fast enough, since not all automated proccesses are fully active yet.

When all is going to fall into place and it will....things will end up just fine.
Model 3 / Sv: Galskap
onsdag 01. november 2017, klokken 16:20
Sitat fra: tiger``n på onsdag 01. november 2017, klokken 16:12
Sitat fra: Jeronan på onsdag 01. november 2017, klokken 13:36Levels 1 to 4 of Autonomous driving requires driver attention and ability to immediately act and intervene at all times!
Only level 5 designates true Full Autonomous driving!

Autopilot 1 was never advertised as level 5. It was level 2.
Same now with Autopilot 2.
No it must not.
From level 3 it is eyes off. Level 4 mind off. Level 5 steering wheel optional.
Tesla system is level 2 at best. In some years maybe level 3. Doubtful if its ever gonna reach 4 or 5 with current hardware. The step from level 2 to 3 is quite steep, and further its even harder to get it working.

Level 5 is the only level in which a car won't need a driver anymore and thus the entire steering wheel can be removed.

Level 3 and 4 still has scenarios that are not covered. You don't have to keep your hands on the steering wheel, like with level 2, but you still need to be able to intervene when necessary.

PS. And I already said that Tesla AP1 and 2 are level 2. It's adaptive Cruise control with auto steering. That's it.
Good enough for my current needs.
Kjøpe elbil? / Sv: Ikke kjøpt bruktbil fra
onsdag 01. november 2017, klokken 15:55
Sitat fra: Trekkoppbil på onsdag 01. november 2017, klokken 00:34
I think they might do it in California.
You don't find techs in Norway to fix the Drive Units.

They just replace the drive units, not repair it in the SC. That they are shipped to the factory afterwards. Sure.
Model 3 / Sv: Galskap
onsdag 01. november 2017, klokken 13:36
Sitat fra: MrOtto på onsdag 01. november 2017, klokken 08:11
Med så svak hardware Tesla bruker, kamera som blir blendet av solen og ikke ser en hvit lastebil svinge inn på kollisjonskurs? Galskap. Når skal det legges ned forbud mot slikt så vi andre i trafikken slipper å bli påkjørt?

So you use a very old accident, that has been discussed to death now and bring it up again?

1. This was an Autopilot 1 car that used the third party Mobileye technology.

2. The circumstances of the accident were just extremely unfortunate that the white color of the truck blended with the background sky, so the Mobileye camera couldn't make the distinction. The truck was also a high loader and had positioned itself in such a way on the road that the radar didn't detect it either (so it wasn't just the camera) and the radar signal passed straight under the truck, so the Tesla Autopilot didn't slow down as result.

3. The truck driver was charged for reckless driving, since it tried to cross and enter a dangerous Main road when a car was approaching.
The conclusion of the investigation was that the Tesla driver would most certainly have crashed into the truck anyway, even without Autopilot engaged, based on the speed the car was driving and the time and place the truck crossed the road.

4. The Tesla driver was supposed to keep his hands by or on the steering wheel and pay attention on the road at all times, so it could intervene when Autopilot fails. The Tesla driver did not do this and did not pay attention on the road. The car slammed under the truck at full speed! Never even knew what hit him.

Levels 1 to 4 of Autonomous driving requires driver attention and ability to immediately act and intervene at all times!
Only level 5 designates true Full Autonomous driving!

Autopilot 1 was never advertised as level 5. It was level 2.
Same now with Autopilot 2.

Also, camera's have no issues shooting / filming in direct sunlight! They use these features called ISO and Exposure.
Radar is not affected by direct sunlight at all. Nor the acoustic sensors.
Tesla i media / Sv: Tesla i norske medier
onsdag 01. november 2017, klokken 12:52
Sitat fra: Espen Hugaas Andersen på onsdag 01. november 2017, klokken 12:44
Det er mye bedre med ladere som deler på effekten enn ladere som ikke deler på effekten. Ser man f.eks på en superladestasjon som Nebbenes, så er det 20 ladeplasser og 1,45 MW totalt.

Med 350 kW ladere som ikke deler på effekten ville man da vært nede på 4 ladeplasser. Da vil det være veldig kjipt å komme som bil nr 5 og stå å se på at det står 4 stk e-Golf og lader med 40 kW...

Jo flere ladeplasser man får fordelt effekten på, jo bedre utnyttelse av nettlinjen får man, og jo mindre ventetid blir det.

Completely agree. I rather charge at half speed, then not charge at all and have to wait in a queue more than an hour or longer for a free spot to become available.
Bestilling og levering / Sv: Levering november - desember 2017
onsdag 01. november 2017, klokken 12:49
Sitat fra: BrandNew på onsdag 01. november 2017, klokken 12:41
Tarago har nå lagt til i Zeebrugge[emoji1474] Hvem får først treff i UECC? Tror neppe det blir meg dessverre [emoji30] 50 spenn i potten[emoji51]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It can take up to 5 days before you get the first trace hit on UECC. It can be a bit sooner or longer, depending how busy it is at ZEEBRUGGE.
All Tesla cars go through their facility first for quick technical check, before they are handed over to UECC.

Mine took 5 days before I got the first UECC trace hit and then it went on the boat the next day.
You should just call.
Bestilling og levering / Sv: Levering oktober - november 2017
onsdag 01. november 2017, klokken 12:15
Sitat fra: MortenRA på onsdag 01. november 2017, klokken 12:10
Endelig er ventetiden snart over :) Ser ut til at UECC sine loggføringen er basert på automatikk ift schedule? For båten er vitterlig ikke lagt til kai ennå..

DRAMMEN   VESSEL ARRIVED   01.11.2017 07:00 ZEEBRUGGE   TERMINAL DELIVERED   28.10.2017 04:51
ZEEBRUGGE   VESSEL LOADED   27.10.2017 23:00

Yes that is normal. Since it was supposed to arrive at Drammen 06:00 this morning, but is delayed by 6 hours or so.
Tonight you will get an updated trace with VESSEL DISCHARGED, when it's actually on the dock.
Bestilling og levering / Sv: Levering oktober - november 2017
onsdag 01. november 2017, klokken 10:18
End next week if you lucky.
They just started with delivery of the cars that came with last week Monday's UECC boat.
Bestilling og levering / Sv: Levering oktober - november 2017
onsdag 01. november 2017, klokken 09:42
Yes that is normal. Tonight everything will update again and hopefully you get a VESSEL DISCHARGED.
Then you know it's standing on the dock.  :laugh:
It's not just nice to come into a warm car.

Not having to spend 15 mins outside in the freezing cold scraping ice from all the windows is worth double gold!  :P

I can't imagine owning a car without preheating anymore.
Kjøpe elbil? / Sv: Tesla ER verst
tirsdag 31. oktober 2017, klokken 22:35
Sitat fra: MrOtto på mandag 30. oktober 2017, klokken 09:32
Tesla konstrueres lages av programmere som ikke engang har førerkort. Mye i en Tesla kan på tegnebordet virke som en god idé, men gjennomføringen virker ikke nødvendigvis.

Jalopnik: This Guy Documents Nearly A Year Of Quality Problems With His Tesla Model S.

1. This guy makes money on youtube with drama.

2. Any sane person would have declared that local service station incompetent and would have just taken the car to the major service center long ago and not wait a year!
I could care less if those guys are nice and friendly! If they can't fix my car, they are incompetent and I will go to a different service center.

These issues he has are just minor and easily fixed, like plenty of other people have already experienced and demonstrated.
There are bad (incompetent) apples everywhere (not just at Tesla SC) and this seems clearly to be the case with his local SC.

Model S / Sv: Sugekoppfester glasstak?
tirsdag 31. oktober 2017, klokken 22:22
Sitat fra: tiger``n på tirsdag 31. oktober 2017, klokken 21:58
Ser stadig de heiser på plass digre, tykke vindusruter langt oppe i lufta. Disse holdes kun med sugekopper, som regel 4 stykk.
Minst 200-300 kg mange av disse tenker jeg. Aldri hørt det har skjedd ulykke med noen av disse. Bare som en liten digresjon her.

You can't compare that. Those are industry grade systems and the load is secured and immediately lifted in place in a short time! Temperature and weather condition is also pretty static for that moment and with certain weather and temperatures they won't do these kinds of lifts.

It's completely different putting a sucking cup system on the glass roof of a car in Norwegian winter and go on a long trip and go through extreme weather and temperature variances in a short time period.
And it doesn't even have to be winter. You experience it in summer too when driving long distance and cross mountains, going from cool rainy weather to hot weather and vice versa.
Model X / Sv: Leveringstidspunkt TMX
tirsdag 31. oktober 2017, klokken 21:48
Just posted in Delivery topic as well:

I read on the US forums ( TMC ), that their orders had been pushed back due to current production priority for Europe (Norwegian market).
So it seems that all current locked in Norwegian orders will be produced in coming weeks.
Bestilling og levering / Sv: Levering desember - januar 2017/2018
tirsdag 31. oktober 2017, klokken 21:46
I read on the US forums ( TMC ), that their orders had been pushed back due to current production priority for Europe (Norwegian market).
So it seems that all current locked in Norwegian orders will be produced in coming weeks.
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