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Meldinger - Knight

I recommend using VMware and create a virtual version of Windows XP SP3, this way you do not have the older version of windows ruing as main system. it also makes possible to move from pc to pc without having to do any installation.

I do not recommend using virtualbox as this gave me some impalpable issue with the PCCAN driver for windows XP.
but I did not use much time on this as it works just fine with VMware.
Orla is right,

I did Tuesday chat with a guy whom also sad it might be the stat of the battery physically and the stored in the BMI that is out off sync. And thereby need to be realigned again, but it require a code for the Zebra monitor and some knowledge and know how. Unfortunately he have not try this and did point me to a company in Norway (Elbilmek) that have experience with this operation.   

He also confirm that the PCU is getting the values for the BMI and not storing the data locally.

Is there any in here that have experience with realigned the battery with the BMI ?

A small status update on this issue,

Have for the last couple of months been otherwise occupied so have not have had time to look at this project. Have now installed the Zebra monitor and was able to reset the alarm listed above (delayed switch off) as it can be see on the picture the system now have other issue.

I think the main issue now is that the PCU and the BMI is out of sync with the state of charged. As the PCU thinks the Battery is at almost fully charged but voltage is only 192.7  (but i am not sure and have to do some investigation into this)

Tak for det hurtige svar Orla, jeg har valgt at stoppe med at lade.

Har du en liste med fejlkoder eller hvordan aflæser man lige denne fejl, er nysgerrig da jeg har en bil mere at forsøge med.
Have check the car this evening and the temp was at 271C, have add the pic of the diagnostic page.

By the way,
Yesterday i found Stromskap378V have put a lot of the original Think city test software up in included the zebramonitor.,30394.0.html
have any of you use this?

Hi BauDemo

I am i Silkeborg (near Aarhus)

I also found that the plug in the BMS only had 2 sets of connects (see picture) so as you i found that one of them must be spare. But that seems not to be the case or at least there is something monitoring of the input from the temperature sensor.

The monitoring is pure guesswork; i am hoping that someone is having the full electric layout of the MBS.
But as a plan b I am about to clone one of the other temp sensor and put that signal in the 3 channel.
Cellerne ser ud til at have det fint og det lader til kun at være en sensor fejl der gør at bilen ikke kan køre, giver Orla ret i at det er op over at celler leve tid er nået men da de ikke har været brugt meget (bilen har kørt 12,5 tkm) så vil jeg gerne høre om nogen har kunne rette denne fejl.

Har installeret EV monitor og denne fejl er den eneste der er som vist på billede.

English version

The cells appear to be fine and it seems to be only a sensor error that makes the car not able not run, Orla is right in that the expected live time for the cells is about reached, but since they have not been used much ( the car has been running 12.5 tkm) I would like to hear if anyone have a fix for this error.

Has installed EV monitor and this error is the only one as shown in the picture.

Har en Think city fra 2008 hvor ZEBRA temperatursensor 3 melder fejl; har fundet ud af der kommer 3 sæt leder ud af selve batterikassen som jeg antager er temperatursensor, og nummer 3 har udenlig modstand.

Er der nogen der ligger inden med manualen for selve ZEBRA batteriet, gerne med en oversigt over hvor sensoren sidder inden i. Det ender sandsynligvis nok med at jeg bliver nød til at åbne selve kassen for at få skifte denne sensor (PT1000) men er der nogen som har prøvet at gøre dette?

Håber nogen kan hjælpe,

English version

I have a Think city from 2008 where the ZEBRA temperature sensor 3 reports error; have found out that there comes 3 sets of wires out of the battery box which I assume is all temperature sensor, the number 3 has endless resistance.

Is there anyone who has the manual for the ZEBRA battery, preferably with an overview of where the sensor is located intent. This is probably ending in I have to open the box up to change this sensor (PT1000) but is there anyone who has tried to do this?

I write in English as well as Danish, in hope some one is able to help.
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