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Meldinger - minibiti

Elbiler i media / Sv: DinSide - årets bil 2017
onsdag 25. oktober 2017, klokken 12:16
I read somewhere some time ago that the Ampera-e has a really lower range during the winter because it does not have a heat pump to warm up the passenger compartment.

Does anyone with an Ampera-e have any feedback on this now that it is getting cold?
Elbilen i Samfunnet / Sv: Dyrere strøm??
lørdag 21. oktober 2017, klokken 21:52
NVE imøtegår en klassisk elbilmyte i ny rapport
Zoe / Sv: Kan Zoe lade på alle 11 og 22kW AC punkt?
tirsdag 03. oktober 2017, klokken 16:00
Or this one for 2000,-
Elon – Mode 3 – Type 2 til Type 2 – Låsbar –
Zoe / Sv: Kan Zoe lade på alle 11 og 22kW AC punkt?
tirsdag 03. oktober 2017, klokken 15:38
Yes, the Zoe is compatible with all chargers delivering 11 and 22 kW. Also 43 kW but it is a waste of money since the Zoe will not charge faster than 22 kW anyway.
You will need to use your own cable for the 11 and 22 chargers. The 43 kW chargers have their own cable.

11 kW is 400V, 16A, 3 phases.
22 kW is 400V, 32A, 3 phases.
43 kW is 400V, 64A, 3 phases.

Anything 400V is by default TN and hence Zoe compatible.

Someone please correct me if I am wrong :)
Kjøpe elbil? / Sv: VW E-Golf vs Renault Zoe?
fredag 29. september 2017, klokken 13:26
Sitat fra: Amatøren på fredag 29. september 2017, klokken 11:59
I går kveld så var jeg en tur til Nordby Shoppingcenter igjen og ladet på McDonald's før hjemturen. Da var det en dame med sin Zoe som ikke fikk ladet. Da jeg gikk ut av bilen sa hun bare at "jeg får ikke ladet". Jeg hadde tenkt å bare sette på min på CCS ladingen for å slå av en prat med henne, men hun dro før jeg rakk det.

Last time I was there I could not charge either.
I called Fortum and was told that the AC charger was not working.
So this is not a Zoe specific problem but a problem with the charger.

As it was probably mentioned before, the Zoe is compatible with all chargers delivering 11 kW or more.
For less powerful chargers, it requires that it is build on a TN nett.
Zoe / Sv: Zoe 40 eller ikke?
mandag 11. september 2017, klokken 11:42
Ved mitt bruk vil vel det meste av ladingen skje hjemme.

Da ville jeg valgt PodPoint, spesielt om du har IT-nett. Å ha en fastmontert boks gjør livet som elbileier mye enklere.

I very much agree with the statement above. Especially if you buy another Type 2 to Type 2 cable which would then always be connected to the charger and which you could just plug in the car as soon as you have parked home.

Moreover, since you have to pay 7500,- extra for the Zaptec, it is almost the same as choosing the home charger and buying the "ladebøtte" from for 9000,- if you really need to charge on a normal plug when not at home (at friends and family or in town when the charger is using IT nett).
The "ladebøtte" is heavier and the cables are shorter, but totally silent, which the Zaptec is not.
And I recommend you to get a demo of the Zaptec so you can see for yourself if the noise level will be a problem for you or your neighbours.
Zoe / Sv: zaptec lader
torsdag 07. september 2017, klokken 07:54
Since you guys are talking about the Zaptec here, I have a question...
It is indeed quite noisy because of the fan.
I was wondering if it would be an idea to cover it with something, like a big plastic box.
The problem would then only be the size of the box in order to allow enough space to dissipate the heat generated which the fan is there to evacuate.

Any comments if this is a good idea, or if it will just destroy the Zaptec?

Ladeplasser og ladekabler / Sv: Extension cable for Type 2
mandag 28. august 2017, klokken 18:01
OK I see, thanks!

The idea was to leave the Zaptec inside my cellar since it makes so much noise with the fan!  :(
Except for maybe its weight, the "ladebøtte" is better in every way (easier to transport, less space, silent, way cheaper).
Ladeplasser og ladekabler / Extension cable for Type 2
mandag 28. august 2017, klokken 17:06

I have a question regarding extending a Type 2 cable...
I tried to use my normal Type 2 to Type 2 cable which I usually use between my home charger and the car as an extension cable together with a Zaptec adapter so I could reach my car when the schucko electrical socket is too far.
But it did not work :(
It looked like I could not connect the 2 cables all the way in in order for all the pins to connect to each other.

Are these cables made in such a way that this is not possible?
Does one have to buy special Type 2 to Type 2 cables which are specially made for being used as an extension?
Would it work had I used 2 normal Type 2 to Type 2 cables instead?

Zoe / Sv: Rekkevidde ved reset
fredag 28. juli 2017, klokken 17:25
So I went to Motor Forum and asked them to update the BMS...
But what I did not think of/understand is that this is work that has to be taken under the warranty and hence must be approved by Renault Norway first.
Indeed, the work MF does is paid by RBI.
So MF created a case and I am now waiting for the RBI feedback...

I understand that it takes time to update the firmware on the car and that time is money, but it sounds crazy to me that Renault does not have a way of updating this mostly automatically during the yearly service. Then everyone would be happy.
Firmware updates are as important for cars nowadays than they are for computers!
And what is an electric car if not a computer on top of a big battery with wheels!  ;D 8)
Especially when there are such teething problems during the first few years which impact the most important thing on an electric car, i.e range.

Do other car brands handle this better (except Tesla and its OTA updates of course  ;) ).
Zoe / Sv: Rekkevidde ved reset
torsdag 27. juli 2017, klokken 10:30
I actually checked again just now and I now have a SOH of 94% and it looks like the max capacity is now 21.8 kWh :(
Do you think this is enough to get them to update the firmware on the guarantee?
Zoe / Sv: Rekkevidde ved reset
onsdag 26. juli 2017, klokken 21:12
SOH: 99%
KM: 12000
Zoe / Sv: Rekkevidde ved reset
mandag 24. juli 2017, klokken 21:18
Sitat fra: boxer72 på søndag 23. juli 2017, klokken 20:51
Sitat fra: minibiti på søndag 23. juli 2017, klokken 12:55
Sitat fra: boxer72 på mandag 22. mai 2017, klokken 07:37
All erfaring ifra andre Zoe eiere (mye diskusjon rundt dette tyske elbil forumet). Skulle tilsi at du får igjen endel ved oppdatering av  software.  Den software som antagelig ligger inne tror batteriet er dårligere enn det virkelig er og du vil få igjen 1-1,5 kW kapasitet etter oppdatering

One more question:
This missing 1-1.5 kWh of capacity with the older firmware is only affecting the guess-o-meter isn't it?
I can still use the full battery capacity if I keep on driving right?

I have a R240, have talked to people who have got newer software than I got when I updated. So if the workshop claims it's not new, they do not know what they're up to. Canze tells us that the capacity is less than it is in reality. And it retrieves the information from the computer. So  I think You​ have  reduced capacity until you have new software

Sent fra min Lenovo YT-X703F via Tapatalk

I just checked with CanZE and the full capacity of my battery pack, seen from the on board computer, is 23 kWh.
So I guess it does see the whole capacity no?

According to this (, the total available capacity is 22 kWh for the Q210 and is 23.3 kWh for the R240.
Sitat fra: pudderjagar på søndag 23. juli 2017, klokken 10:20
Alternativ så kan dei som har 6kw lader eller meira bruka type2 kontakten til å lade den lille skvetten dei treng for å kome til neste lader.

Maybe in the future, this can help all cars charging with max power on the 22 and 43 AC chargers:
Denne teknologien skal gi maksimal ladefart fra alle ladestasjoner -
Zoe / Sv: Rekkevidde ved reset
søndag 23. juli 2017, klokken 12:55
Sitat fra: boxer72 på mandag 22. mai 2017, klokken 07:37
All erfaring ifra andre Zoe eiere (mye diskusjon rundt dette tyske elbil forumet). Skulle tilsi at du får igjen endel ved oppdatering av  software.  Den software som antagelig ligger inne tror batteriet er dårligere enn det virkelig er og du vil få igjen 1-1,5 kW kapasitet etter oppdatering

One more question:
This missing 1-1.5 kWh of capacity with the older firmware is only affecting the guess-o-meter isn't it?
I can still use the full battery capacity if I keep on driving right?

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