Fra app siden til Android
The Leaf Spy Pro application allows anyone with a Nissan Leaf electric vehicle, Android device with Bluetooth and an ELM327 OBDII Bluetooth adapter the ability to monitor their battery and other vehicle information normally visible only to the dealer.
Due to a recent cost reduction (and feature reduction) many of the cheap ELM327 OBDII Bluetooth adapters from Asia no longer work with the Leaf and report themselves to be version 2.1. The only one currently recommended is the Bluetooth Konnwei KW902 which still supports all the needed ELM commands to communicate with the Leaf.
The Leaf Spy Pro application allows anyone with a Nissan Leaf electric vehicle, Android device with Bluetooth and an ELM327 OBDII Bluetooth adapter the ability to monitor their battery and other vehicle information normally visible only to the dealer.
Due to a recent cost reduction (and feature reduction) many of the cheap ELM327 OBDII Bluetooth adapters from Asia no longer work with the Leaf and report themselves to be version 2.1. The only one currently recommended is the Bluetooth Konnwei KW902 which still supports all the needed ELM commands to communicate with the Leaf.