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Meldinger - Orla Pedersen

"Nye" TH!NK City produsert fra 2008 - 2012 / Sv: Airbag lys
fredag 28. april 2017, klokken 11:18
Sitat fra: Go-carter på fredag 28. april 2017, klokken 09:34
Jøss - akkurat det samme skjedde med meg i dag tidlig. Hvordan fant du ut hva som var feilen sist?

Jeg ville give stikkene under sæderne et eftersyn, du kan komme til dem når sæderne er kørt helt frem.

Det er en typisk fejl på stortset alle bilmærker.
Sitat fra: Urfalo på fredag 17. mars 2017, klokken 21:21
Thank you. Is it yust to edit the .txt and then the program cahnges, or does it need some kind of compiling?
Seems kind of understandable language.

Just change the extension to ".bas" and move the file to the duinomite SD-card, no compiling no changes. The 2 reasons for ".txt" is that, 1. It is actually just a textfile that the duinomite interpretes, 2. You will never be alowed to download a ". bas" file for your antivirus program  ;)
At long last, cleaning is finished, carpets back in and seats monted and connected. Now it's time for some BMI-emulation.

Langt om længe, færdig med at rense interiør, tæpperne er tilbage, sæder monteret og forbundet til ledningsnettet. Nu er det tid for lidt BMI-emulering. Brugte også lidt tid på at rustbeskytte hulrum der var skjult af tæpperne.
Sitat fra: BauDemo på mandag 27. februar 2017, klokken 10:28

Is it ok to publish your screenshot on the blog?


Yes, please do
Sitat fra: Urfalo på mandag 13. februar 2017, klokken 19:32
It worked with external power on the card.   :+1:

I've made a "diagnostic" version of the software. It covers a bit more than the original "nicometer" and has a bit more "user friendly" messages.

It is far from finished, and there are most likely some faults left to be considered, so absolutely no garanties given. This is "as is", use it and develop it as you like, but pleace share here.
Find it here!nk/diagnose/ remember to change the ".txt" to ".bas" after download.

På dansk:

Projectet er langt fra færdigt, men da jeg ved at tid er en mangelvare og udsigterne til et "færdigt" diagnoseværktøj har lange udsigter, så får i denne version af mit diagnose værktøj til frit brug. Det er grundlæggende baseret på bauDemo's "nicometer", men udvidet med mere funktionalitet og en mere brugervenlig visning. Husk at der sikkert er fejl her og der når du bruger programmet, og meld gerne tilbage med de "bugs" du opdager. Der gives ingen garantier. Hvis du udvikler videre på denne software håber jeg at du offentliggør din version her.  :)
Sitat fra: ThinkGeo på fredag 03. februar 2017, klokken 22:39

What is the programming language for the software on the Nicometer? If it's Basic, what Basic and version?

It's a kind of basic ported to PIC-microcontrolers, you can read about it here:
It makes it very easy to use in and output pins on the microcontroler.
Sitat fra: Urfalo på torsdag 02. februar 2017, klokken 07:18
Is it possible to use this to readout error codes and reset them?

Read, yes, at least many of the codes and values, but you have to read the program source to understand fully what is going on.

Reset, no, that would involve more programming....
Sitat fra: Knight på søndag 18. desember 2016, klokken 22:28
I think the main issue now is that the PCU and the BMI is out of sync with the state of charged. As the PCU thinks the Battery is at almost fully charged but voltage is only 192.7  (but i am not sure and have to do some investigation into this)

I dont think so, as far as my investigation goes, there is no evidence that the PCU stores values of SOC. Your problem is probably the common one that the BMI has lost track of the battery SOC. The PCU rely on the BMI to send SOC values over the CAN-network, and the PCU "relays" the values to the instrument cluster.

But be very carefull manipulating the BMI values, two weeks ago yet another zebra battery exploded leaving salt and acid in and outside the car.  :(
"Nye" TH!NK City produsert fra 2008 - 2012 / Sv: Simulating BMI
fredag 18. november 2016, klokken 16:09
Sitat fra: stradivaria på fredag 18. november 2016, klokken 15:17
This is my idea, but is it not better to take real BMS system and make it working with Think PCU.

That would probably be the case in many situations, and then the "BMI-emulator" would be a "PCU to BMS" interface. Anyway this interface would need different coding to "please" different BMS's, but act the same against the PCU. Much of the work would be the same in each case.
Sitat fra: PRensel på fredag 18. november 2016, klokken 14:53

Why did you solder these wires to the BMI ?

Don't know, just did it  ;) Anyway all the connectors from the BMI will at some point be reused in an intermediate box sitting in the battery compartment, and with extension cables back to the room behind the battery. For ease of access to the "new" BMI-emulator/BMS. I don't want to alter any existing wiring just in case a working zebra might show up for free.  :)
Jeg er stadig ikke helt færdig med rengøringen. Tæpperne er ude og skal renses, et par hulrum skal rustbeskyttes nu hvor der alligevel er adgang. Alt jern som ikke er malet skal tøres af for overfladerust. tiden går med andre ting........

This is gon'a take some time...........

Forleden koblede jeg BMI'en op for at hive lidt data ud af den. Den er stadig i live trods tæringer her og der.

Desktop setup with BMI, DuinoMite Mega, and very old homemade powersuply  ;D

The values i message H304 is not limits, they are from the sensors "T1 and T2" in the battery, and they are coded in "U.short" and resolution 0.1 degrees Celcius, (if greater than H8000 then HFF96 - HFFFF = -H0069), that is in decimal -10.5 degrees centigrade.

"I think that either your temperature sensors are faulty or your BMI is faulty, most likely the later as the sensors almost agree on temperature."

Edit: I forgot the 0.1 resolution and therefore temperatures was wery low. Corrected for "divide by ten" everything looks quite ok. And the BMI is OK concerning temperatures.

Your diagnose tool has a bug concerning negative temperatures ! And
there is no Limit temperatures in message H304 either.

Edit: Sorry-sorry, my explanation is very wrong, "U short" is of course unsigned and can't show negative temperatures. Your Diagnose tool is then right about the high temperatures, probably open circuit sensors  :(  and again this is not Limit temperatures in message H304, it is temperature sensors.
"Nye" TH!NK City produsert fra 2008 - 2012 / Sv: Simulating BMI
onsdag 16. november 2016, klokken 10:35
Small news about initialization.
The BMI sends message ID H300 at startup, it keeps "Software version, revision, Id 1, Id 2, Id 3, Hardware version, Init succesfull, Battery address". Eight bytes in all.
I've just checked the remains of my cars BMI, and even if quite corroded i some places it still communicates, and the message ID H300 returns exactly the same pattern as that P.Rensel found in his car, "03 0B 0E 4D 44 02 01 00" or in decimal, "03 11 14 77 68 02 01 00".

Even though there might be different Id.'s in zebra batteries it's obvius now, that they don't send unique Id.'s to the PCU. That makes me wonder if the PCU only cares about "Init Succesfull" ?

The screenshot is from my version of a diagnostic only software on the DuinoMite platform, and based on BauDemo's original software. As sone as I'm comfortable with reliability and some extensions I'll share the program, patience please  ;)
Sitat fra: PRensel på lørdag 05. november 2016, klokken 13:44
These is no error coming from the BMI/Battery so if the power limit comes on it is purely triggered by the PCU i assume.

The limits come from the BMI, but it is up to the PCU to compare actual with the limits, and to set the power limit.

Sitat fra: PRensel på lørdag 05. november 2016, klokken 13:44
BTW, my airbag lamp is constantly on, dont think that has anything to do with the BMI/battery or the PCU but with something else. There was also a repair invoice from Elbilmek with the car from july 2016 where the airbag lamp was mentioned as corrected fault but wonder if that was repaired.
I believe Baudemo had an airbag-reset box which he later integrated in the OVMS software. So i assume it can be reset by sending a specific CAN message ?

Have a look at the messages from RAC, ID H401 Could be that this module has been discarded at some point, and then the link between airbag-controler and instrument cluster is missing
"Nye" TH!NK City produsert fra 2008 - 2012 / Sv: Simulating BMI
onsdag 02. november 2016, klokken 07:37
Sitat fra: PRensel på tirsdag 01. november 2016, klokken 19:03
Just made progress on the 'Think-o-later' (short for Think Simulator). It can now mimic the BMI so my Think is now 'thinking' that everything is ok.
No more flashing wrenches, Power-limit or hazard symbol anymore, even without the BMI unplugged.
I can even control the fuel-meter so i can take an actual Ah-counter and reflect the SOC to the fuel meter.

Next step is to attach a suitable battery pack and drive away....

Great, could next step be bringing communication on the canbus to a minimum? We know that the BMI is running in "broadcast" mode, and that means a lot of information is send on the canbus, but how much is actually listened to by the PCU. There is no need for the emulator to "flood" the canbus with unnessesary information I think.

Good work!  :)
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