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Meldinger - PRensel

Sitat fra: Vidar_S på mandag 30. oktober 2017, klokken 16:19
PRensel: Do you have any idea if the KTS 570 should also be able to get diagnostics data from a Think City or if it's limited to the 550?
Looks like the KTS 570 does not support Think City.

As you have seen, you definately need a KTS550 or a KTS520 (which is the same but without scope functions, don't need that).
Be sure to select engine type electric or you wont see the Th!nk as an option to choose from.
The diagnose box have build costs 60 euros. That is the actual hardware module with the firmware, plug and play.
But if you already have an Arduino with CANbus shield you can get the software free from me.

More about this is here:,30634.0.html
BTW i have build/programmed a simple diagnostic device for the Think which plugs into the socket on the dashboard and dumps all diagnostic info over USB to a connected PC or laptop.
This will also tell you whats going on or what errors there are.
Let me know if you need help with this.
Did you get it diagnosed, it shouldnt be too hard to do that ?
Any garage with Bosch KTS550 diagnose equipment can do that.

This will tell you if its the PCU or just an offset value for SOC causing the battery not to allow charging..

It could be an easy fix or, if not, the end of life for your Think...

Sitat fra: elektrolux på mandag 28. august 2017, klokken 14:33
Good Idea! And yes it has OBD plug , but not sure if connections are standard.

Think is not same as Sagem, so you really need to get info from Bau Demo ore even RAV4_EV that also has hacked his way into the Think BMS.

I have created some MSDOS programs to unlock and/or reset the Think Simovert controller. I also have the BMS and charger protocols.
Can you post some more info about the Arduino based FR2000 ?
Did you just programmed the Siadis (key-entering) part or also all the other diagnostic functions for the charger and BMS ?

"Nye" TH!NK City produsert fra 2008 - 2012 / Sv: DL_Think_SW
lørdag 27. mai 2017, klokken 19:10
Hi Jaap,

If you're experiencing problems with your Zebra pack then the end of it is probably very near.
Most of these packs from 2008/2009 stop working caused by too many failed cell or internal isolation faults.
Unfortunally there is nothing you can do about it or repair it.
As soon as the pack dies the car is pretty useless because there are no 370V Zebra packs to replace anymore. I have some 310V Zebra packs but they cant be used in the Th!nk. One option is installing a good lithium pack but in the needed 25kWh capacity this is very costly.


You don't need to search for the code anymore because i have already done that for the community a few months ago.

The code is 10261.

Have fun with it :-)

What EU country are you talking about ?

Sitat"The "Certificate of Conformity" that is also needed when exporting to the EU"

The Think A306 has European Type approval so you dont need this CVO or COC or whatever you name it.
Any EU country can check the VIN and see that its EU approved. And in the EU approval the manufacturer of origin is mentioned. I have been importing cars from CH to NL, there never has been a problem when it comes to VAT or other import duties.

Hi all,

We recently finished our 'Thunder Th!nk' conversion.

For the Thunder Th!nk we replaced the standard 11kWh/114V NiCd battery for a 310V/76Ah/23kWh Zebra battery complete with uprated Zebra charger, DCDC converter and modified/simplified contactorbox.
The original Simotion inverter was modified for the higher 310V voltage.

At this moment the car is running very well and we're in the process of improving minor tweaks regarding power and speed. This new conversion also provides CANbus connectivity and we have a CANbus dashboard monitor in development that displays the Zebra and the Simotion values/settings on one display. Further development on this extension is still in progress.

The integration with the OpenVehicleMonitorinSystem (OVMS) is also possible which provides for example real-time charging and GPS information about the Th!nk on your mobile phone.

This Thunder Th!nk package will be available for sale (in limited supply) pretty soon.
Pricing for the complete drop-in package starts €3000


Sitat fra: stradivaria på søndag 08. januar 2017, klokken 22:13
Plane was to broke password, but I went hard way and decoded all data inside FLASH memory and EEPROM.

In the past weeks we've managed to retrieve the lockcode and can change all settings with Siadis now.

Sitat fra: elektrolux på søndag 08. januar 2017, klokken 16:05

Do you sustain the autosailing and auto regen function when you reprogram the Simotion?

What do you mean with "autosailing" ? Cruise-control ?
At least two version exists:
V1.30 and V2.0

You can dump the flash eprom contents without de-soldering the chip.
The Siemens/Infineon C167 microcontroller has a default bootloader which you can enable.
Just write a small program, upload it to the MCU using the default bootloader and let the program readout every byte from flash and dump it over the serial port.
The New Think has the 'enable bootloader' option available on the 4-pin plug under the dashboard.
I actually havent checked the classic inverter board to see how it can be enabled but it should be there somewhere... maybe it is pin 68 called 'external release'... ??

The Zebra BMI monitors the direct AC line (into the BMI) and charger current output.
When the AC line is connected and the charger is supposed to be charging it triggers this error when the charger is not providing any current.
It could be possible that your charger is not getting AC power or not providing DC output.
Did you check any fuses related to the charger ?

Sitat fra: Orla Pedersen på fredag 18. november 2016, klokken 11:04

This is gon'a take some time...........

But it's fun to do :-)

Why did you solder these wires to the BMI ?
It's much easier to use small AMP connectors.
Or get the original Tyco connector
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