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Meldinger - BauDemo

ChaDeMo/Combo hurtigladere / Sv: e-on utvider i sverige :O
mandag 07. august 2017, klokken 13:10
Sitat fra: Panduck på torsdag 03. august 2017, klokken 22:04
Sitat fra: BauDemo på torsdag 03. august 2017, klokken 17:54
Thanks for the explanation!
This makes it even more interesting to see couple of examples from AmocoCadiz.

I think he ment that there were chargers put in the map as active, that were not active. I saw several eon chargers listed in the map as "coming", and only a few as "active". I tested one of the active ones and it worked wonderfully.

However, thank you for the work on It has been of great help on our trips to Sweden, specially since many providers are not good at informing about chargers and status themselves :)

Thank you for your kind words!
Did you report back on the site how did the charging go? Did you take photos? Would you like to upload them to

Yes, I suspected the same thing and this is why I am very curious for a specific examples.
Planned chargers we list in orange on the map, and they get this bright red message that this is not a charger you can count on, because it is planned and maybe not ready yet.

I want to see if there is something we missed, or if E.ON made a miss, or maybe he missed something. Obviously there was a miss and an opportunity for improvement, and I it would be great to seize that opportunity.
ChaDeMo/Combo hurtigladere / Sv: e-on utvider i sverige :O
torsdag 03. august 2017, klokken 17:54
Sitat fra: hanche på onsdag 02. august 2017, klokken 15:48
Sitat fra: BauDemo på tirsdag 01. august 2017, klokken 14:59
I am not sure what "Arctic Roads" means, but from the tone in the message suspect that there may have been chargers that did not work for you.
To cut a long story short, Arctic Roads is one of the smaller operators of quick chargers in Norway. They have only a small number of chargers, but many of them in strategic locations such as mountain crossings. And a price policy that means people avoid them like the plague when they possibly can. Their current status is that nobody understands why the company isn't bankrupt already. Also, their charging network stopped working a couple weeks ago, and has not come back as far as anyone can tell.

Thanks for the explanation!
This makes it even more interesting to see couple of examples from AmocoCadiz.
ChaDeMo/Combo hurtigladere / Sv: e-on utvider i sverige :O
tirsdag 01. august 2017, klokken 14:59
Sitat fra: AmocoCadiz på mandag 31. juli 2017, klokken 20:53
Eon har tatt en Arctic Roads variant og lagt inn alle imaginere ladere på, noe som skapte veldig  mye ladeproblemer rundt om i Sverige.

Hi, my name is Nikolay and I am one of the founders of
A friend alerted me to this discussion and wanted to weigh in.

I am not sure what "Arctic Roads" means, but from the tone in the message suspect that there may have been chargers that did not work for you.
Did you leave a rapport on for these chargers? This would help the next person looking for a charge.
Where the chargers marked as "active" on Where they "green" on the map?

Also can you please point me to couple of E.ON chargers that did not work for you?
We are constantly working to improve the information on and it would be a good example.

Thanks in advance!

Check the pins on the cable...
The pins are supported by springs that can get a bit stiff if not used.
Also the pins can corrode... so some careful cleaning with alcohol can also help.
Great work!
I made a small post about it here -

Hopefully it gets big exposure and more people can use it.

Is it ok to publish your screenshot on the blog?


Sitat fra: Orla Pedersen på tirsdag 21. februar 2017, klokken 19:45
Sitat fra: Urfalo på mandag 13. februar 2017, klokken 19:32
It worked with external power on the card.   :+1:

I've made a "diagnostic" version of the software. It covers a bit more than the original "nicometer" and has a bit more "user friendly" messages.

It is far from finished, and there are most likely some faults left to be considered, so absolutely no garanties given. This is "as is", use it and develop it as you like, but pleace share here.
Find it here!nk/diagnose/ remember to change the ".txt" to ".bas" after download.

På dansk:

Projectet er langt fra færdigt, men da jeg ved at tid er en mangelvare og udsigterne til et "færdigt" diagnoseværktøj har lange udsigter, så får i denne version af mit diagnose værktøj til frit brug. Det er grundlæggende baseret på bauDemo's "nicometer", men udvidet med mere funktionalitet og en mere brugervenlig visning. Husk at der sikkert er fejl her og der når du bruger programmet, og meld gerne tilbage med de "bugs" du opdager. Der gives ingen garantier. Hvis du udvikler videre på denne software håber jeg at du offentliggør din version her.  :)
Sitat fra: ThinkGeo på tirsdag 07. februar 2017, klokken 04:14
Another question that is a puzzle to me: Is it possible to se the difference between a Zebra and a Lithium batteri on a Think?

If the car is (or has been) registered in Norway you can go to your transport agency website put the registration number in and would get the VIN number of the car.
Having the VIN number can tell you if your car is Zebra or Enerdel (or A123).
I would need something that will hold the CHAdeMO inlet in the Think. Anyone with skill and time on their hands that would like to design one?
Ideally it would be something made of standard brackets - mounting brackets for building construction.
I can also accept a laser cut and couple of bends...
There will be no financial compensation - your name would be on the holder though.
It needs to attach on existing points under the hood, and be strong enough to withstand pushing force of a human when inserting the CHAdeMO cable plug.

Here is a possible placement:

Note that the quote from Lunde was from year 2010.
I would be curious to know if his car is performing like that now.

The performance and damage model for batteries is relatively complicated, but could be compared to the damage model to human health from smoking cigarettes. One, 20 or 2000 cigarettes will not kill you (unless you smoke all 2000 in one day), but will increase the chance of lower performance and catastrophic health failures in the future.
It is similar with batteries - the more you use the full SOC spectrum the higher the chance is for reduction in capacity and failure.

I do not take seriously arguments like "I drove 200km on a charge and there were no problems". Unless the person stating this has the equipment and education to interpret results I am very skeptical.

And to the original question - I think Elbilmek can help you with changing the software if you still want to do it...

"Nye" TH!NK City produsert fra 2008 - 2012 / Sv: Simulating BMI
fredag 11. november 2016, klokken 11:43
The purpose of simulating the BMI is to be able to use ANY battery with the Think.
So the choices would not be limited by only Enerdel or Zebra.

For example someone may want to build a battery pack out of nissan leaf battery modules and then use it in a Think.
Sitat fra: Go-carter på torsdag 03. november 2016, klokken 23:03
Liker ikke Nikometeret minusgrader? Nå som det begynner å bli kalt ute påstår den at PCU holder 125 grader :p

Og foresten - stemmer SOC? Når bilen sier 30 % sier Nikometeret 39%. har jeg så mye å gå på?

Unsigned/signed is my fault - I will try to rectify this very soon.
Are you seeing 30% on the dashboard? I don't think what you see on the
dash is very accurate. The best way would be if you could get a computer with working zebramonitor and check the SOC reported by the BMI... then we can compare values.

Regarding the pulsing - you need to look at voltage/current when you are driving. I don't think the PCU can turn power limit... but maybe.
I have seen the BMI disconnect the battery under driving condition so there are many different ways for this to happen.

Regarding the airbag lamp - the lamp is driven by the RAC unit on a GEN1 cars and directly by the PCU on GEN2 and later.
I have made a box that is replicating the function of the RAC for the GEN1 and controlling the airbaglamp. The same functionality is also available in the OVMS.
You can not do this on the CAN bus - you need direct control.

"Nye" TH!NK City produsert fra 2008 - 2012 / Simulating BMI
mandag 31. oktober 2016, klokken 15:43
Hi there,
I have been getting some e-mail about simulating BMI with the Duinomite Mega - the same hardware used on the Nicometer. Hope we can all chip in this thread and get to a point where one can easily change battery in the Think...
So keep posting about it here and I will help with what I can.

Both of you are having batteries with different firmwares.
The newer firmware lowers the working temperature of the battery...
Maybe I should change the text of that error....
If I remember correctly there are only 2 temp sensors in the battery but I may be wrong...
Also if I remember correctly there was a way to configure the battery to use only one of the sensors and ignore the other one... but again... these are not very fresh memories.
Where in Denmark are you located?
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