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Meldinger - think123

Thule roof racks for the new think fit on the old think.  8)
Think City "Classic" (2000 - 2002 mod) / Sv: viskerblad biltema
mandag 11. mai 2015, klokken 21:13
I bought something from biltema, it didn't fit. But then I took the actual rubber blade out and slide it into the existing metal "frame" from the old wiper blade. 29kr altogether. :)
Think City "Classic" (2000 - 2002 mod) / Sv: Drivetrain noise
søndag 03. mai 2015, klokken 22:14
Does anyone have a part number for the front drive axles? On close inspection I have some issues there. Probably unrelated but anyway needs replacing...

Think City "Classic" (2000 - 2002 mod) / Sv: Drivetrain noise
tirsdag 28. april 2015, klokken 11:14
Ahh ok.

Any other insight into the noise? Any way of making it quieter? it's annoyingly loud!
Think City "Classic" (2000 - 2002 mod) / Sv: Drivetrain noise
mandag 27. april 2015, klokken 22:40
I don't have the equipment to read out the software version unfortunately. But neither have creep function.

The noisier one is a USA model with 37000miles on the clock, the quiet one is an early model with over 120000km, and this one feels like it rolls easier with a better pedal response.
Think City "Classic" (2000 - 2002 mod) / Drivetrain noise
mandag 27. april 2015, klokken 19:32
Hei folks,

Comparing between two different Think classics, both make a similar noise but one is much louder/noisier than the other. Everything seems ok with both cars, however the noisier one seems a little bit more sluggish.

The whine pitch/frequency increases linear with speed, and when you lift off the gas you hear a dit-dit---dit---dit noise as it switches from acceleration to "coasting".

So I'm not sure if there is anything really wrong with it, except that it's annoyingly loud, or maybe the gearbox is about to self destruct? Any pointers as to what might be the reason would be nice!

To help I've uploaded a recording of the noise so you can all enjoy the whine too..  :o

I'm also on the lookout for a nikometer cable. Or any other way of starting the maintenance charging. (and also to have the ability to read errors when the need arises)

I recently contacted Nikolay to buy a cable but he didn't have any left. He said he may do another batch sometime... perhaps if enough of us want one he will do it soon?


I have a red think 2001 US model - registered first in Norway 2006 :)

36200_miles_ on the clock - it's a US model...
in daily use.

rekkevidde.. well it did recently 36km using 55% SOC in -5C. Have not dared to do a long range test after we killed the other think... :(

Thanks Casper, would be great if you could help read the error! send you a PM..  :)
Thanks elektrolux, I will investigate that asap. Water service was approx 300km ago. If cleaning that out is somehow successful, will the error clear itself and charging start?

Presuming I get back on track, sign me up for your reprogramming I've been reading about next time you're in Oslo!

Thanks once again. Also ff anyone else in Oslo can also still help with reading the error message, that would be most appreciated!
Hei Folkens,

My Think 2001 stopped charging at 96%, and says "System Error, service required". It will start and drive, but it now no longer charges, despite the charge light blinking as normal when plugged in.

Is there someone in the Oslo area with the equipment that can help to read the error messages?

I'm guessing that there is some damage to the battery, the car has had very high standby power drain in the cold winter, which has lead to some unfortunate near-zero SOC driving....
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