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Meldinger - HarmOtten

Zoe / Sv: Zoe safety
fredag 29. januar 2016, klokken 21:53
Sitat fra: Gogs på søndag 20. september 2015, klokken 19:35
Vi valgte Zoe mye på grunn av sikkerhet, og i sommer smalt en fyr inn i oss i 70km/t (vi rakk å bremse ned til ca. 40km/t. Bilen ble totalvrak, men to voksne og to barn kom unna det uten skader. :) Vi har bestilt en ny Zoe for å si det sånn.
Wow, good that nobody in your Zoe got hurt! Not I like such pictures, but out of curiousity I would like to see how the Zoe got out of it.
Zoe / Sv: Kjørte Zoe fra Nederland til Geiranger.
onsdag 27. januar 2016, klokken 21:26
Nice to see that my story on was read on this forum :).

But now I have published the full story of my trip: (in English)
Have fun reading  :).

Zoe / Sv: led pærer
onsdag 27. januar 2016, klokken 21:04
Hi, I'm from the Netherlands, and I have installed the latest technology of H7 LED 4800 (!) lumen in my Zoe.
Bought at: AliExpress for +/- €50,-
They work really well! and use only around 24W per bulb. (Measured it myself)
Installation description
Compare result LED 4800lm with original Halogen
Compare result LED 4800lm with Xenon lamps
(To be able to see the pictures on the Dutch forum you need to be a member, but if you are really insterrested it is worth while to create one  ;). )
Zoe / Sv: Chargingpoints in Northern part of Norway
søndag 14. juni 2015, klokken 19:26
Thanks aronesen. I know about the electricity grid problems in Norway, and that I have to look for public chargers offering at least 400V AC (3 phases). In Belgium you have the same problem.
I was hoping that maybe companies or people with a private charger in the North can help out to fill in the gaps.
I also have a special adapter for connecting my Zoe to many sockets. Especially the red plug might come in handy.
Are there people in the Northern part of Norway that own a Zoe? I'll be happy to get in contact with one of them.
Zoe / Sv: Hvordan kan man selv måle batterikapasiteten?
søndag 14. juni 2015, klokken 11:21
131 is the range that almost all Zoe's have when their battery SOH is still 100%.
I'm curious what the number of the new R240 model will be in this situation.
Zoe / Sv: ZOE OBD-kontakten og diagnostisk verktøy, blåtann ?
lørdag 13. juni 2015, klokken 19:43
I do not totally agree with you. If you look at the bottom chart, and look at the red area, 43kW charging is indeed restricted, especially at lower temperatures. But you should look at the (light) orange area, because that is the part where the Zoe Q210 can actually charge quicker than 22kW. This area is a lot bigger then the red area.
Beside this fact, there is maybe an even more important reason for choosing the Q210 above the new R240 model. I will try to explain.
What are the first two question people always ask you as a Zoe-driver:
1. How far can you drive on a full battery?
Answer: About 150km depending on the circumstances. *People look a bit worried*
2. How long does it take to charge the battery?
Answer: When you are at a quick charger only half an hour! *People look positive surprised*
But if the answer to the 2nd question would be, "At least one hour", then people will keep looking worried.
What I am trying to say is, that the 43kW quickcharge option is a major selling point. To my opinion, it is a more important issue than the improved efficiency.
Zoe / Chargingpoints in Northern part of Norway
lørdag 13. juni 2015, klokken 19:00
Hi, I'm from the Netherlands and I was wondering if there are enough charging points for the Zoe (Plug Type2) to drive all the way up north to the North Cape.
I checked but between Narvik and Honningsvåg the distances between the chargepoints are becoming to big.
Has anyone made a trip to Honningsvåg already, and where did you charge?
Zoe / Sv: Hvordan kan man selv måle batterikapasiteten?
lørdag 13. juni 2015, klokken 18:43
There is a way to measure the State Of Health (SOH) of the battery without using a device on the OBDII-port.
How to do it:
1. Charge the battery to 100%.
2. Reset the boardcomputer (See attached picture 1).
3. Use the displayed range and formula: Range / 131 = Battery SOH % (Or use the chart, see attached picture 2).

This has been tested on the Zoe Q210 model. For the R240 model, the 131 probably must be a different number.
Zoe / Sv: ZOE OBD-kontakten og diagnostisk verktøy, blåtann ?
onsdag 15. april 2015, klokken 00:05
Update of the Max Charge Power Charts:
Zoe / Sv: Flere 12V uttak?
tirsdag 14. april 2015, klokken 23:58
I bought this one. It fits exactly in the cupholder :)
Zoe / Sv: ZOE OBD-kontakten og diagnostisk verktøy, blåtann ?
torsdag 26. februar 2015, klokken 23:12
The data collected so far, see new charts below.

Please keep more data coming! Especially when the battery temperature is <=5°C or > 20°C.

EVC 95 - Max charge power [kW]
EVC 109 - T battery [°C]
EVC 112 - Battery %

Thanks, Harm.
Zoe / Sv: ZOE OBD-kontakten og diagnostisk verktøy, blåtann ?
tirsdag 17. februar 2015, klokken 11:43
Yes, the State of Health of the battery is also available.
Parameter: LBC 117 Battery health [%]
For my Zoe it was, after driving a bit more than 40.000km, surprisingly still 100%.
Zoe / Sv: ZOE OBD-kontakten og diagnostisk verktøy, blåtann ?
tirsdag 17. februar 2015, klokken 09:59
Hi elektrolux,
That is correct, the i907 can only show live data on its screen. But if you select the following 3 paramaters in the diagnose mode, you can collect the data manually.
EVC   95 - Max charge power [kW]
EVC 109 - T battery [°C]
EVC 112 - Battery %

It would be really interessting just to have a few measurements at low temperatures at different SOC's.
Zoe / Sv: ZOE OBD-kontakten og diagnostisk verktøy, blåtann ?
mandag 16. februar 2015, klokken 23:18
I bought the iCarsoft i907, and it works great on the Zoe.
With the data I gathered so far, I am creating a nice chart that shows the Maximum charge power depending on the temperature and the state of charge (SOC).
Is there anybody else in Norway that also has the i907?
I am really interessted in the following data at low battery temperatures (between -20°C and 0°C):
EVC   95 - Max charge power [kW]
EVC 109 - T battery [°C]
EVC 112 - Battery %

Please let me know if you can help me with some date to complete the chart (see attached to this message).
Zoe / Sv: Can Zoe charge at Red CEE5 plugs?
torsdag 08. januar 2015, klokken 00:04
Thanks very much Griffel! This helps a lot  :)
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