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Meldinger - Brazas

Tidlige elbiler: Think / Think sitting in the garage
tirsdag 14. april 2015, klokken 10:08
Hello. I am selling my blue 2002 think car due to relocation. When i move away I am planning to keep it in a garage until it is sold. My question is - how often should the car be recharged and taken out for a run, can it sit in the garage without losing battery potential? I have read that NiCd batteries are not at risk when having them in storage and not using, but i would like to read some advice from elbilforum community about this.  :)
For salg er min blå 2002 Th!nk city with 54000km og EU ok til 2017. NiCd batteripakke er god for 80km sommer og 60km vinter.
Har elektrisk varmeovn og kabel. Lang dokumentert vedlikeholdshistorikk. Selge på grunn av flytting. Pris 23000 inc gratis registrering. Brukt sommer og ny vinter dekk. Bilen er i Rygge komunne. Kan sende bilder på forespørsel

Tel. 93824753. Jeg snakker engelsk, norsk med hjelp av google translate bare  :-X ;)
Tidlige elbiler: Think / Sv: Kjøpe Think? eller la være
fredag 27. mars 2015, klokken 21:21
Sitat fra: teslapower på onsdag 12. februar 2014, klokken 12:57
Har funnet flere fine Think``er på Finn. Men etter å ha lest flere innlegg på forumet er jeg blitt usikker på om dette er noe jeg bør satse 70-100``på. Er det noen her med erfaringer med Think som kan gi noen synspunkter på dette? Bilen skal kun brukes i bynært området og vil brukes ca 4 - 6 mil pr dag, kanskje mindre.

Hi. If you like, you can have my blue 2002 Th!nk with  54000km in very good condition for 21.500 nok. Battery goes up to some 80km in summer and up to some 60km in winter. The car is in Larkollen and ready to drive. PM if you want an norwegian elbil for less than 70-100k  ;)
that is good info
and what is battery reversing?
Thanks for your reply elektrolix :)
really  around 300 left?? wow. Then ill have to save it even more. The car has been maintained on a regular, but i will look into the eater level regarding your comment. Why do you suggest charging at work rather than night? And what about the battery level before charge - is it ok if i chanrge it when it is still 40-50% full?

Sitat fra: elektrolux på tirsdag 10. mars 2015, klokken 23:31
Hello Brazas

And gratulations with the best classic EV money can bye. Unfortunatly only 300 ore so still exist, so take good care of yours.

First. A few words of the cars short comings:

NiCd battery needs water service twice as often as service indicator indicates. So if service history is unknown, ore its more than 3000 km since last water service stop driving and get that service done

Charging is best done at 10A and just before next trip.

Car is poorly programmed, so if you don't take care it will destroy battery. We have finally been able to hack us into motor controller and can program car to be more battery friendly.

Never use full trottle, Never drive under 20% without knowing if battery is not reversing. This you can't tell without battery monitoring equipment such as RoboMeter we supply for retro fitting.

Charger can fail, and is difficult to find. Use at 10A to preserve.

In your case, charge car every night before going to work, ore even better, charge every day at work.

Good luck with your new car.
Hello modern people  :D I have bought a 2001 th!nk and I am happy to join the elbilforum. The car is blue piv4  with original nicad battery at 54xxx kilometers. I live in Rygge kommune. Car seems very well kept so i will try to keep it that way. This is my first elbil, so a newbie nees questions answered:)

1. What is better to maintain the battery for long-life use? Should i charge the battery after the day driving with status being some 30-50%, or better to push the status down to under 20%? Depleting the battery must be easy with the radio, heater, and wind blower. Would this deeper discharge make the battery last for more years? The seller said that the battery has been very well taken care of and can still do 80km in summer, and up to 60km in winter. My daily drive to work and back is 40km, so will have to charge every evening before next day. Chargning everyday is a frequent thing, so i want to do it the right way. I will be happy to get an answer with comment about this.

2. About the 10A button. Should i use it if charging in a random power plug? I know it takes longer to charge on 10A compared to 16A but time is no problem for me, what is better for long life and capacitu of the battery - charging in 10A or 16A?

3. Any advice that you would like to share, remembering your first days with elbil will be very appreciated.

Thank you for reading  ;)
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