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Meldinger - Jens_Think


I was offered a used MES-DEA RM4 2kW heater (ID-NO: 30.99507.03, 200-450V, 70°C) as a replacement for my defective 4kW unit.
The 2kW unit looks mechanically different, e.g. the 3-pin-connector is placed on the side instead of the top.
Can it be used as a direct replacement anyway, or are there mechanical/electrical changes needed?

I couldn't find info about the dimensions or the configuration of the 3-pin-connector on these heaters.

Thanks in advance,

(Think city 2008, for sale)

I'm in contact with a ZEBRA Think driver whose car does not charge anymore after he discharged it to about 15% (maybe less) on an long trip.

Situation as he told me:
- no warning/fault lights on the dashboard
- both green lights on top of dashboard are on
- charger does not start
- power consumption on 230V side alternates between ca. 50W and 500W (DC/DC?)
- after some time, the red "FAULT" light on the ICCB comes on
- ICCB seems ok because he has another Think where it works
- reset button and disconnecting 12V battery did not help

Anyone had something like that before?
In what cases the FAULT light on the ICCB goes on?

I've not seen the car yet (it's about 300km away) and the owner is no electrician ;) so it's hard get more detailed info. But I might be able to visit it in two weeks and check it myself.
Most probably the battery cooled down already :(.

Hello evdriver,

you did the right thing  :D.
I was told the transformer was just built in for homologation but is otherwise useless.
Important: it is NOT approved for 16A over longer periods of time, like charging time of the Think!
Cars with transformer should only charge with 10A.

Took mine out too, but now the charger's inrush current trips the breaker sometimes because it's too sensitive :-[.


after my Think stood a whole day in the hot spring sun last Saturday, the isolation problem has disappeared. So it really seems that it was caused by moisture.
I was told to check the BMI compartment that can be accessed under the co-driver' s seat, but when I opened it this week there was no moisture visible.

Unfortunately, the fluid heater did not heal itself magically the same way ;D.
I have to browse the forum and look for the best way to replace it.

Best regards,
Hello all,

I have installed ZEBRA Monitor 2.6.70 and Peak-CAN USB driver ( on a Win7-64 bit laptop (Thinkpad T61).
Although I can see the raw bus data with PCAN-View, the monitor software cannot find the driver and claims there is none installed.
The same happens on an older WinXP laptop.

Has anyone else had this problem and knows how to fix it?

Best regards,
Sitat fra: joho på mandag 24. mars 2014, klokken 18:07
I have had the same problem as you describe. What helped for me was to dry up the car (after 2 mnd with wet wether) .  Have had no problem since, now 3 weeks ago.
Regards joho
Hi joho,

on my last drive without the error it was dry, and since then the car is sitting in a dry garage.

Are there any HV connectors on the underside or in the front compartment which are known to be sensitive to humidity?


in the meantime I disconnected/cut all heater wires but the isolation fault is still there, although very intermittent!
Last Friday I could charge for more than 3 hours before the error occurred, some days before it took less than five minutes.
I also got the Siadis/CHAS software and manufactured a plug with interface to RS232, but the connection is instable and I couldn't read the ECU settings yet.

@cs: Chris, if you haven't figured out already: you have to apply a 12V voltage to the 2 non-HV pins in the heater connector if you don't want to cut the heater wires.
Be very careful when you measure in the plug, I'm not sure whether there is a current limiting resistor on this 12V voltage or if it is directly connected to the 12V battery through the emergency switch.
Edit: just occurred to me that LiIon is probably Gen2 PCU so as Warlock wrote before, so you just had to short the 2 non-HV pins of the plug - which seems also different to the Gen1. Mine is round with 2 thick pins (heater HV) and to thin ones (12V loopback).

One other theory for my Think is that the problem could be in the softstarter for the 230V isolation transformer (a giant coil under the cover behind the driver's seat) but newer LiIon Thinks probably don't have this anymore.

Regards & good luck  8)
Hello Håkon,

thanks for your detailed explanation.
In the meantime the problem got worse and my Think does not charge anymore, or just for a few minutes before red triangle lights up :(.
Can this really be caused by the heater, too?

I measured it on the weekend and it's defective, ~1,2MOhm on the HV connector pins.
Without the EPO pins connected to 12V, the Think won't start or charge.
I did not yet try to connect them separately to 12V without the plug.. didn't dare to short anything.

I'm an electrical engineer and normally good at doing repairs, but I definitely prefer smaller devices like TV sets that fit on my work bench ;).

Luckily I met an Think expert in Munich who has test equipment, so I hope we can get at least a better error information from the PCU or battery soon.


Sitat fra: hma på mandag 03. mars 2014, klokken 22:18
Hi Jens_Think,

A red triangle (with a red lighting bolt inside) indicate some sort of high voltage fault, or isolation fault.
There are three types of isolation fault; internal, external and thermal.

You say the regeneration (recuperation) is not working during the state of fault. This indicate that the battery BMI/drive system does not allow charge during this faulty situation, but allows discharge. That's normal behavior.

If you have an internal or thermal isolation fault, there is not much to do.
However, an external isolation fault usually occurs if the fluid heater has gone bad or if the traction motor have some kind of ground fault.
To eliminate external isolation fault, try to disconnect the fluid heater high voltage outlet. If owning either a pre-production vehicle with gen0-PCU (VIN J004x) or a production vehicle with gen2-PCU (VIN>U005372) , you have to make a loop for the Emergency Power Off (EPO) circuit inside the connector. Gen1-PCU does not have EPO implemented in the heater/AC-outlet.
Please be extremely careful when doing this, the voltage inside the socket can easily cause serious injury or death.

If this test does not help you have to get your car diagnosed with the original battery tool; Zebra Monitor.

If your battery looks healthy (and your motor does not have ground fault) the problem can be related to the Power Control Unit (PCU). If so, you may announce in this post and I'll put you in contact with the (only) repairshop that fixes PCU's.

Sitat fra: cs på mandag 03. mars 2014, klokken 00:06
Hi Jens.

Sag mal, bist du Jens Sch. aus München und dein Think schwarz ? ;-)
Interessanter Fehler, hab ich noch nicht gehört.
Mein Tipp, wenn du in Süddeutschland sitzt ist:
In Vorarlberg. Sollten dir helfen können.

Aren t you Jens Sch. from Munich and your Think is black?
Interesting fault, never heard of this one.
My proposal for a diagnosis in your area would be
They should be able to help you.


Hi evdriver,

yes, that's me  ;D.
I thought about bringing the car to a Bosch service in Kempten as they have also experience with Thinks, but e-car-service in Dornbirn is not much farther and they seem to be even more experienced.
Thanks for the tip!

Sitat fra: Lynet på onsdag 26. februar 2014, klokken 15:00
Did the Bosch garage use Bosch tester or Think original?
They just had a laptop with Bosch software and OBD2 connector, but "Think ZEBRA" was in the car selection menu.
I know there is a special Think diagnostics device, but these are very rare and expensive here and I think only the importer in Bremen has one.
Unfortunately they are located about 900km away from me :(
Hello all,

I'm a Think driver in Germany and bought my car as a demonstrator from the Netherlands in 2010.
It is an early 2008 model without AC and power steering, ZEBRA battery and a 2kW charger only.

After 35.000km without any troubles, the following error occurs since a few days:

  • 5-6 minutes after switching the car on, the red triangle error light goes on. This happens regardless whether the Think is driving or just standing still. If it happens while driving, rekuperation goes off but I can still drive.
  • If I switch the car off and on again, the "Power Limit" light blinks and the car doesn't go into drive mode.
  • If I switch the car off and on again a second time, everything works fine for the next 5-6 minutes...
Other than that, the car charges and drives normally, no limited acceleration etc.

I went to a local Bosch garage (they do Think servicing in Germany) but the diagnose software showed no error messages from battery or PCU, even though the red error light went on while the car was connected to their laptop!

Maybe someone of you knows this error situation and can give me a hint what can possibly be wrong, I hope my description is understandable ::)

Thanks in advance and best regards,
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