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USAleaf / Sv: Replacement for USA import Leaf's Telemetry unit
mandag 27. mai 2013, klokken 20:03
that how the unit looks like outside and inside if anybody wants to know  ;)
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USAleaf / Sv: Replacement for USA import Leaf's Telemetry unit
fredag 24. mai 2013, klokken 08:24
Sitat fra: Rav4_EV på torsdag 23. mai 2013, klokken 23:34
Sure. Especially if you want to know the cars speed or steering angle when it's parked ;D

Is there a way to reprogram telemetry (Leaf from US) unit to work in Norway ? cause I guess changing a sim card for a M2M one will not help.....
USAleaf / Replacement for USA import Leaf's Telemetry unit
onsdag 22. mai 2013, klokken 14:42
There are working to make a unit that will work with a Leaf as well so you will be able to control your car remotly just like CARWINGS works. All you will need is a M2M sim card ( from Netcom for example with fixed IP address.
How many of us would like to have this unit.....maybe this will make progress faster :)

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